Buying Marijuana in Minnesota: A Comprehensive Guide

In an unprecedented move, Minnesota has legalized recreational marijuana, becoming the 23rd state in the U.S. to do so. This monumental decision signals a shift in societal attitudes towards cannabis and opens up a new world of opportunities for enthusiasts and prospective growers. But what does this mean for individuals interested in buying marijuana in Minnesota? This comprehensive guide delves into everything you need to know about the process, from legal nuances to home cultivation.

Marijuana Plant


A Historic Moment for Cannabis in Minnesota

Governor Tim Walz has officially signed a bill legalizing the use, possession, and cultivation of cannabis for adults in Minnesota. This groundbreaking decision turns a new leaf in the state's history, marking an end to cannabis prohibition and opening up a world of possibilities for cannabis enthusiasts and prospective growers. The law came into effect on August 1, 2023, making it legal for adults aged 21 and older to possess and consume certain amounts of cannabis.

"This has been a long journey with a lot of folks involved. Prohibition does not work. We've criminalized a lot of folks who are going to start the expungement process on their records." - Gov. Tim Walz

The Legal Landscape

Under the new law, adults 21 and older can legally possess up to 2 pounds of cannabis flower for personal use at home and up to 2 ounces in public. Starting on August 1, 2023, adults can grow up to eight plants, with no more than four being mature. To grow more plants, a cultivation license is required. These plants must be grown in an enclosed, locked space not open to public view.

Understanding the Timeline

Despite the excitement surrounding the new law, Minnesotans need to remain patient as the state builds its regulatory framework. The state has indicated that it might take up to 18 months to issue licenses and launch a licensed commercial sales system. It's anticipated that retail sales will commence in the first quarter of 2025. However, starting August 1, 2023, Minnesotans will be able to legally grow and possess certain amounts of cannabis at home.

Navigating the "Seed" Dilemma

One of the initial challenges home growers in Minnesota are likely to face is sourcing cannabis seeds. While the law permits individuals to grow their own plants, acquiring the seeds to do so remains a legal gray area. The seeds can't legally be imported into the state, and moving marijuana products across state lines is banned in most states.

The federal Drug Enforcement Administration letter issued in 2022 seems to clear the way for the movement of seeds as a result of the 2018 Farm Bill that legalized low-THC hemp. However, lawyers are still reluctant to offer unequivocal advice.

The Role of the Internet in Seed Acquisition

Despite the legal ambiguity, buying seeds online isn't difficult. A quick web search reveals numerous websites from which marijuana seeds can be ordered and delivered. Some are based in the U.S., while many others are overseas. It's worth noting, however, that it's the buyer's responsibility to know and comply with the laws in their state or region. Most sites offer discreet shipping, just in case.

Homegrown Cannabis in Minnesota

While retail sales of cannabis are still a ways off, the first legal cannabis produced and used by Minnesotans might well be homegrown. The legalization of home cultivation means that Minnesotans can grow plants in their backyards or basements and have a mature plant in less than three months. No license is required to grow these plants, but seeds are necessary, and obtaining them remains a challenge.

Marijuana Grow Tents

The Cost of Home Cultivation

According to Ian Deshon, owner of Greener Gardens in Richfield, Minnesota, prospective home growers can expect to spend between $500 to $1,500 on lights, ventilation, and other equipment for an eight-plant grow operation. However, these costs don't include the price of the seeds, which can vary widely.

The Future of Commercial Cannabis in Minnesota

While home cultivation is an exciting prospect, the state is also working towards establishing a regulated commercial market for cannabis. This includes hiring staff, setting up a new Office of Cannabis Management, writing rules and procedures, and reviewing applications for licenses. Licensed farms will then need to plant and tend to a crop that takes months to mature, while licensed retailers will need to set up shop.

Understanding the Tax Implications

Under the new law, a 10% excise tax will be applied to cannabis products in addition to the standard state and local sales taxes. The revenue from these taxes will be split 80% for the state's general fund and 20% for local government aid. This tax strategy is intended to help reduce the black market for cannabis once the legal industry is operational.

The Expungement Process

The new law also includes a provision for expunging the criminal records of individuals convicted of low-level cannabis-related crimes. These records will be sealed, making it easier for these individuals to pass background checks for jobs and housing.


The legalization of recreational cannabis in Minnesota marks a significant milestone in the state's history. While there are still many details to be ironed out, Minnesotans can look forward to legally growing and consuming cannabis in the near future. In the meantime, it's crucial for prospective growers and consumers to stay informed and aware of the legal implications of buying marijuana in Minnesota.


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